"Too often today, people are ready to tell us,
'this is not possible; that is not possible'.
I say, whatever the true interest of our country calls for, is always possible!"

- Enoch Powell.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

BNP call for halal meat to be taken off school menus

BNP call for halal meat to be taken off school menus
Politicians in Stoke-on-Trent are campaigning for halal meat to be taken off school menus.
Seventeen of the 93 city schools are offering the ritually-slaughtered meat in their canteens after at least 10 per cent of parents backed the move.
But the British National Party (BNP) is calling on Stoke-on-Trent City Council to ban the halal meat on animal welfare grounds.
BNP group leader Councillor Michael Coleman today denied the campaign is an attack on Muslims.

Instead he urged councillors to stop the "barbaric method of slaughter".
Under halal rules, the animals are not stunned by a bolt or electric shock before they are slaughtered. Mr Coleman, pictured, said: "We were contacted by some mums from Tunstall, who were angry that their children were being served this meat without their knowledge.
"The council tries to make out that it is just an option, but I don't believe that is the case in all these schools.
"I think it is just being served up and pupils are not even aware that they are eating it. It's against the law for me to kill an animal in that way, but it's fine for a Muslim or a Jew to do it. It's an unacceptable state of affairs."
Halal meat has been provided to some city schools since 2000.
It is estimated that halal meat accounts for about four per cent of the meat served in the 17 schools.

Say No To Hobbit Racism!

And just when you thought the P.C brigade could not get any worse,
Peter Jackson's already troubled Hobbit film has become embroiled in accusations of racism after an extra claimed she was told she was too dark to play one of the diminutive Tolkien creatures.
Briton Naz Humphreys, who has Pakistani heritage, attended a casting session in Hamilton, New Zealand, last week and stood in line for three hours only to be told her skin tone was not suitable.
The Waikato Times said video footage from the audition showed the casting manager telling people they were looking for light-skinned people to play Hobbits.
He reportedly tells the would-be Hobbits: 'I'm not trying to be... whatever. It's just the brief. You've got to look like a Hobbit.'
Ms Humphreys, who is in New Zealand on a working holiday with her husband, told the newspaper: 'It's 2010 and I still can't believe I'm being discriminated against because I have brown skin.

Naz Humphreys attended a casting session in New Zealand but after standing in line for three hours was told her skintone wasn't suitable
'Wrong skintone': Naz Humphreys attended a casting session in New Zealand but after standing in line for three hours was told her colour wasn't suitable for a Hobbit
'The casting manager basically said they weren't having anybody who wasn't pale-skinned.'
The would-be extra, who is just under 5ft tall, had hoped for a bit part in The Hobbit - a two-part prequel to the Oscar-winning Lord Of The Rings films.
But she has now set up a Facebook group called Hire hobbits of all colours! Say no to hobbit racism!


There were originally three different breeds of Hobbit. Over time, due to inter-species relations, the gene pool became more mixed...
  • Fallohides: Fair skin and hair, taller and slimmer than others. Frodo and Bilbo Baggins were part Fallohide.
  • Stoors: Broader and heavier built than other Hobbits - and their hands and feet were larger. Often lived near water or flat land.
  • Harfoots: Smallest of the Hobbits, they had browner skin. They did not grow beards or wear boots.

They all look kind of homogenised beige and all derived from the Caucasian gene pool.
A spokesman for Peter Jackson said he was unaware of the casting restriction and described it as an 'incredibly unfortunate error'.

£40.2 Million in Foreign Aid to China, £1.2 Million on Hotels for Climate Change, But British Army’s Christmas Dinners Cancelled

The British government spends £40.2 million per year on foreign aid to China, and has spent £1.2 million on “climate change” talks since the election — but now has ordered the army to cancel Christmas dinner for the troops because of “budget cuts.”
The Army is given £30 per soldier for “festive allowance” which is traditionally spent on a Christmas dinner for all serving troops.
As of April 2010, the British Army employed 113,970 regular soldiers, which means that the total allowance would total £3.4 million.
Now, however, a Ministry of Defence order, leaked in a daily newspaper, pert, written by Peter Whitehead, deputy head of the MoD's Financial Management Policy and Development, has said that “It is improper to spend taxpayers' funds on Christmas trees, decorations, carol concerts or parties.”
The order continues: “Team-building or unit cohesiveness events during Christmas would be viewed by taxpayers as partying at their expense and must be avoided” and adds, significantly, that “As always, we want to ensure that the Department does all it can to avoid any adverse Parliamentary or media attention on this topic.”
Meanwhile, the taxpayer has just handed over £40.2 billion in foreign aid to China, one of the world’s largest economies and which now manufactures almost every consumer item in British shops.
According to the Department for International Development, this £40.2 billion is allocated to “education, growth, water and sanitation, environment, humanitarian assistance, governance, research and other social services.”
In addition, the ConDem regime has spent more than £1.2 million on “international climate change talks” since the election.
The most includes £41,800 on hotel accommodation for a meeting in Bonn, and £17,800 for a meeting at the luxury Hotel Fira Palace in Barcelona in May.
Meanwhile, British soldiers, ordered to fight and die for the ConDem and labour’s illegal foreign wars, have had their £30 per head Christmas dinner cancelled.
So it is with the Westminster parties, always putting the British people last.
The British National Party is the only party to have called for an immediate halt to the “foreign aid” swindle.
The total budget for this racket will soon be close to £13 billion which British taxpayers can ill-afford and which should either be cut completely from the budget or be reallocated to provide services to British people.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Why is Greenland so rich these days? It said goodbye to the EU

Britain used to have 80 per cent of European fish stocks (Photo: PA)
Britain used to have 80 per cent of European fish stocks (Photo: PA)
If you think that leaving the EU would be catastrophic, take a look at Greenland. By rights its people ought to be poor. Their island is isolated, suffers from freezing weather, has a workforce of only 28,000 and relies on fish for 82 per cent of its exports. But it turns out that since leaving the EU, Greenland has been so freed of EU red tape and of the destruction of the Common Fisheries Policy, that the average income of the islanders today is higher than those living in Britain, Germany and France.
Greenland’s politicians realised that the fisheries policy was ruining their fishing industry. They had the guts to stand up against the all the prophets of doom and let their people vote in a referendum on leaving the European Community, as the EU was then called. On January 1, 1985, it became independent of Brussels – the only country ever to do so.
Greenland was, with Britain, one of only two EU countries to be heavily dependent on fishing. In fact, Britain had, in some estimates, 80 per cent of Europe’s fish stocks when it entered the EU, because our fishermen had carefully managed them, while the fisherman of Spain, France and Italy had destroyed most of the Mediterranean stocks.
The surprising thing is that while the unemployment from closing (loss-making) coal mines is frequently denounced by Labour politicians, more British workers lost their jobs as a result of gigantic French and Spanish boats being permitted to raid our stocks. Few of those politicians seem to care.
But care they should, because it is not just fish where the EU is damaging us, but in financial services, manufacturing – indeed, its ever-increasing regulations impose unnecessary costs across the whole of our economy. Greenland, which retains free trade with the EU, shows that we can have the benefits of European exports, without the costs of its diktats. It’s surely time that we, too, said goodbye to Brussels.

How Islam is Taking Over The World: Islamization Explained

Why the BNP Will Urge a “No” Vote in the AV Referendum

The British National Party will call on its supporters to vote “no” in a referendum to be held next year on changing Britain’s electoral system to the Alternative Voting (AV) system because it is fundamentally unfair to smaller parties.
The AV system, as proposed by the Liberal-Democrats, is actually even a greater distortion of the democratic process than the current first-past-the-post (FPTP) system, and the BNP would much prefer a party list proportional representation (PLPR) system.
According to a description provided by the Electoral Reform Society, the AV is used to elect representatives for single-member constituencies, much like the FPTP system,  except that rather than simply marking one  'X' on a ballot paper, the voter has the chance to rank the candidates.
The voter thus puts a '1' by their first-preference candidate, and can continue, if they wish, to put a '2' by their second-preference, and so on, until they don't care anymore or they run out of names. In some AV elections, such as most Australian elections, electors are required to rank all candidates.
If a candidate receives a majority of first-preference votes (more people put them as number one than all the rest combined), then they are elected.
If no candidate gains a majority on first preferences, then the second-preference votes of the candidate who finished last on the first count are redistributed. This process is repeated until someone gets over 50 per cent.
From this system it is clear that smaller parties are disadvantaged and their votes will always be “redistributed” to other parties.
A PLPR system however, is widely recognised as the fairest and most democratic way of ensuring that votes cast are properly represented in a parliament.
For this reason, the PLPR system is in fact the single most commonly used election system in the world.
Party list systems are divided into “open” and “closed” systems. In a closed system, people vote for parties rather than people, whereas in an open system, votes are cast, at least theoretically, for individual candidates.
Most countries that use a PLPR system apply a minimum threshold of votes which a party must gain to in order to be allocated seats.
Translating votes into seats within a PLPR system can happen using a number of different formulae, the most common being the D'Hondt method (used in UK European Parliament elections), theSainte-Laguë method, the Huntington-Hill method and the largest-remainder method.
The current system’s inconsistencies are revealed by an analysis of the May 2010 general election.
In that contest, the British National Party poled 563,743 votes and won no parliamentary seats.
However, the Scottish National Party polled 491,386 votes and won 6 seats in parliament.
In Wales, Plaid Cymru polled 165,394 votes and won 3 seats in parliament, and is coalition with the Labour Party ruling Wales.
The Green Party polled 285,616 votes and won one seat in parliament.
The distortions become even clearer when the Northern Ireland election results are analysed.
Sinn Fein, for example, polled 171,942 votes and won 5 seats in parliament.
The Democratic Unionist Party polled 168,216 votes and won 8 seats in parliament, while the SDLP polled 110,970 votes and won 3 seats in parliament.
The obscure Alliance Party, meanwhile, polled 42,762 votes and won one seat in parliament.
From these figures it is obvious that the current system leads to massive distortions in representation of the public will as represented in Westminster. It is therefore not surprising that the Tories, Labour, and Liberal Democrats seek to either maintain the current system or to introduce an even more unfair AV polling method.

British shipbuilders axed because Poles are 30% cheaper: 300 workers on the Royal Navy's new carriers laid off

Hundreds of Britons who were building two aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy have lost their jobs because they were not as cheap as Polish workers, it was claimed last night.
In the past six weeks, around 300 Britons working on the £5.2billion warships have been sacked.
But none of the cut-price Poles has been laid off. They earn around £9.50 an hour while UK tradesmen doing similar jobs are paid £15 an hour.
Computer-generated image issued by the MoD of an aircraft carrier that is due to be built in Britain.
Computer-generated image issued by the MoD of an aircraft carrier that is due to be built in Britain. In the past six weeks, around 300 Britons working on building two of the new warships for the Royal Navy have been sacked in favour of cheaper Polish workers
Some of the British workers were told they were being made redundant after receiving a text message at the end of their shift at BAE Systems’ dockyard in Portsmouth.
The defence giant is part of a consortium building the 65,000-ton vessels, HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales. The first is due to launch in 2016.
The scale of the programme has meant subcontractors working for BAE Systems were forced to recruit workers from Poland because they couldn’t find workers in the UK with the necessary skills.
Shipyard sources told the Mail that about 900 agency workers had been building the aircraft carriers, but this number has been cut to around 600.
But only British welders, draughtsmen and platers hired by Matchtech had been given their marching orders. Forty-two of them were laid off last Tuesday.
Another subcontractor, Inter Marine, which supplies around 120 Polish workers to the shipyard and pays them one-third less than British tradesmen, has not been told to lay anyone off.
Last month the Daily Mail revealed how Polish welders had been drafted in to work on the aircraft carriers – in the Royal Navy’s first ever mass recruitment of overseas workers.
Some learned their skills on Soviet submarines during the Cold War when Poland was behind the Iron Curtain.
BAE insists it has laid off only 110 workers and that they were building patrol vessels for foreign countries.
But insiders said the workforce building the carriers had been reduced in a cost-cutting drive.
The BAE Systems shipyard at Govan, on the Clyde in Glasgow.
The BAE Systems shipyard at Govan, on the Clyde in Glasgow. Six shipyards around Britain are currently building the £5.2billion warships
One worker, a welder who asked not to be named, told how he was made redundant on Tuesday.
‘It came out of the blue,’ he said. ‘I had just finished my shift on the carrier and I received a text asking me to ring the [Matchtech] office. When I did all they gave me was one week’s notice. I’ve been travelling here for two years, living in digs and away from my family because it’s where the work is.
‘There are rumours that they are planning a great recruitment drive in Poland in the new year as the workers are cheaper. None of them have been laid off at all, so it’s all about the money really.’
The 34-year-old father-of-two said: ‘Christmas is going to be hard this year for my family as I expected to be working.’
Many other Britons left their homes in Glasgow, Newcastle upon Tyne and Liverpool to work on the aircraft carriers.
Six shipyards around Britain are building them. The separate sections will then be transferred for assembly to Rosyth in Scotland – in the constituency neighbouring Gordon Brown’s.
In last month’s strategic defence review, the Government ruled out cancelling one of the carriers because it said it would cost more than going ahead with both.
Ministers criticised ‘unbreakable’ contracts signed by the former prime minister to guarantee jobs in his local area.
Critics warned that Britain could lose its shipbuilding skills.
Commander John Muxworthy, chief executive of the UK National Defence Association, said: ‘More and more small companies cannot retain skilled workmen because there are no jobs, so slowly but surely we are losing our capability to produce our own equipment.
‘There is a risk we are putting ourselves in the hands of other nations. We know only too well from the Falklands conflict that sometimes other nations decline to provide us with what we need.’
Inter Marine general manager Dave Bailey said: ‘There have been no redundancies from our point of view.’ Matchtech declined to comment.
BAE Systems said: ‘We have reduced the level of temporary agency contractors in Portsmouth in line with changes in production requirements as our current export programmes reach the advanced ship build stages.’

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Family of teen Muslim invited men to rape her

A GIRL of 15 was tricked into a "telephone marriage" ceremony to a Sheffield man with a mental age of five in a ceremony recognised by sharia (Islamic law).
When the girl arrived from Pakistan expecting to meet the handsome man she had been shown in a photograph, she found that he was 40 years old, unemployed and disabled.
To make matters worse, her mother-in-law decided to exploit her attractive looks by forcing her into prostitution.
The family invited men to the family home to rape her before she managed to escape to the police by bolting through the front door. She was taken into care and now lives in a refuge.
The case is highlighted in a report by the Centre for Social Cohesion, which has found that policemen, councillors and taxi drivers are turning a blind eye or even conniving in enforcing the Asian community's strict "moral code" on young women.
The girl's marriage last April was not recognised by the Home Office but was approved by the Islamic Sharia Council in Britain. She is typical of the runaway brides at risk of an "honour killing". According to official figures, 10 to 12 women are murdered in Britain in honour killings each year, but the government has been warned by MPs that this is a serious underestimate. Police often record the deaths as cases of domestic violence, while other girls are driven to suicide or taken away to their family's country of origin and never seen again. Many Asian parents would rather resort to violence against their children than see their reputation tarnished by the perceived dishonour of allowing them to become "westernised".
The report, Crimes of the Community, claims the problem is no longer an issue of first-generation migrants importing attitudes from "back home" but is "indigenous and self-perpetuating" because it is sustained by third and fourth-generation immigrants.
The study reveals the case of Saamiya, a 16-year-old girl from Birmingham, whose parents were so angry when they discovered she had a boyfriend that they flew her to Pakistan and told her they had arranged a marriage two hours before the ceremony.
"During the Islamic ceremony my dad was standing behind me with one hand on my shoulder and with his other hand he had a gun which was pointed at my back so that I didn't say 'no'," Saamiya said.
"To everyone else it looked natural — he was just standing there stroking my shoulder — but just before he had told me that he would shoot me if I didn't go through with it."
She was rescued from Pakistan by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's forced marriage unit and now lives in a refuge in the Midlands, but has been told that she will be murdered by her brothers. The girl told investigators: "I haven't been back home since then. My brothers say that they want to take me back to Pakistan so they can kill me basically. They'll just pay the police there to keep quiet... I don't want to be killed. I'm only 16. I want to live my life."
The think-tank's report comes after Gordon Brown, the prime minister, said last week that he was extremely concerned that too little was being done to prevent honour crimes.
The study criticises the police and schools for failing to take action in a misguided attempt to avoid offending cultural sensibilities.
Karma Nirvana, a support group in Derby, claims it asked local schools last year to display warning posters produced by the forced marriage unit. It said the schools refused.
Derby council last week denied that the group had made the requests, but the prime minister has pledged to investigate reports that the government unit cannot get its advice posters into schools for fear of upsetting local opinion.
According to the report, women who go to the authorities to seek protection have been tracked down through their mobile phones or even by leaks of confidential information from government databases.
Jasvinder Sanghera, director of Karma Nirvana, said that police who find girls who have escaped from their families often simply return them to their parents where they face further abuse, with some Asian officers actually colluding in crimes. Sanghera is taking a case to the Independent Police Complaints Commission of a girl who fled her family but was kidnapped by relatives and held prisoner. She claims that a police officer tipped off the family where the girl was staying.
"Police have a long way to go before they get on top of honour crime. There is a lingering fear among officers of being dubbed racist for probing cultural issues. We've got to shake off that myth," she said.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Would Someone be Arrested for Burning a Bible?

The arrest of a 15-year old girl for burning a Koran and putting a video of it on Facebook — an act which is doubtless reprehensible — has however raised the obvious question: would someone be arrested for burning a bible?
As appalling as the answer to that question may be, it is of course a resounding ‘no.’
The Sandwell, Birmingham, girl was questioned and bailed by detectives on suspicion of “inciting religious hatred” after the Facebook entry appeared.
The video, made two weeks ago on her school premises, has since been removed by police request from Facebook and reported to the school in question.
According to reports, a 14-year-old boy has also been arrested on “suspicion of making threats.”
While the British National Party accepts that the Koran is full of unbridled hate against non-Muslims, and in fact tells its followers to enforce its dictates by violence, burning books is a medieval mentality.
However, the obvious discrepancy in treatment by the state between the defilement of Islamic holy books and the Christian Bible has made the establishment’s bias very clear.
For example, in 2009, Glasgow City Council allowed a Bible to be defaced with obscene and offensive messages in an exhibition at the city’s Gallery of Modern Art.
No police officers were called in, and no charges were laid, despite the treatment which was clearly designed to give maximum offense to Christians.
Visitors to that exhibition were told: “If you feel you’ve been excluded from the Bible, please write your way back into it.”
A number of crude comments and angry remarks expressing hatred for the Bible’s teaching were left, and Glasgow City Council received hundreds of complaints.
Simon Calvert, of The Christian Institute, said at the time: “We all know that they wouldn’t allow that if it was the sacred text of another religion.
“That a taxpayer subsidised gallery should see fit to give space to something like that is disappointing”, he added.
In 2006 executives at the BBC admitted that they would consider broadcasting a scene where the Bible was thrown into a bin but they would never do the same with the Koran.
In fact, the Internet is full of videos of the Bible being burned, yet the politically correct police who have fallen over themselves to come to the defence of the Koran, have not bothered to get out of bed to act against any of the bible burnings.
The harsh reality stares all but the blind in the face: no-one in modern Britain has ever been arrested for burning a bible, yet the police cannot wait to arrest a kid for a Facebook video of a Koran burning.
If that does not tell the reader all he or she needs to know about the true bias of the state, then nothing will.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Sharia Law - "She's buried chest high"

BNP Nick Griffin - "Racial Grooming, Sexual Abuse of White Girls"

“Obscene” EU Pay Rise: Nick Griffin Challenges Britain’s MEPS to Donate to Pensioner Charity

British National Party MEP Nick Griffin has challenged all British Members of the European Parliament to donate their “obscene” backdated pay rise to pensioner charities.
“The early winter cold is going to kill thousands of British pensioners, including war veterans, their wives and widows,” Mr Griffin said.
“It will be disgusting for British MEPs to pocket the backdated to July 2009 pay rise approved yesterday after EU judges ruled in favour of the increase.
“It comes at a time when greedy energy companies are forcing millions into fuel poverty and savage government cuts are being imposed on essential services,” Mr Griffin continued.
“I challenge all 72 British MEPs to donate the full amount of this pay rise to pensioner-related charities.
“I don’t expect all of them to do so, as the recent Dispatches programme proved many of them have their snouts firmly in the trough.
“But I do look for at least eleven others to join me to make it a traditional British dozen,” Mr Griffin continued.
“Since Andrew Brons, BNP MEP for Yorkshire and the Humberside, has already agreed to do so, that leaves a minimum of ten more decent MEPs to make the same gesture.
“This will amount to a combined donation of £54,000, which will make a real difference this Christmas to hundreds of pensioners. And every extra MEP joining us in doing the right thing will help dozens more,” he said.
“More importantly than money however, is the fact that such a move would reveal that at least part of the political class understands the need to show solidarity with normal people.
“It is time for us to set an example.
“I challenge in particular those MEPs who voted against this obscene pay rise to put their money where their mouth is.
“It is very easy to make a show of voting against a pay rise that you are sure the Euro pig majority will pass. Some might find it a little harder to part with their ‘unwanted’ windfall,” Mr Griffin concluded.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Tears as last Harrier jets leave Ark Royal

A formation of Harrier jump jets has made its final journey from HMS Ark Royal - the last such flight from a UK aircraft carrier for about 10 years.
The four GR9 jets marked the end of an era when they roared off the deck near North Shields, North Tyneside.
Both the Ark Royal and the Harriers are being scrapped under cost-saving plans.
The Harriers, heading to RAF Cottesmore in Rutland, will be decommissioned in 2011 and replaced by the F35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft.
The Ark Royal was sailing across the North Sea to Hamburg in Germany.
Lt Cdr James Blackmore, who was the last Harrier pilot to leave, said he was immensely proud.
'Emotional moment'
"It is amazing. I watched a Harrier hovering over Chatham dockyard when I was eight years old and I am now fortunate enough to be flying the Harrier today," he said.
"It's an amazing aircraft, superb to fly and just very enjoyable."
"HMS Ark Royal is like the girlfriend you hate and you only realise you loved her when she has binned you”
The crew of the 22,000-tonne Ark Royal, which has seen active service in the Balkans and 2003 invasion of Iraq, lined the decks to watch the historic departure.
Captain Jerry Kyd said there was a tear in his eye when the last Harrier left.
"It was an emotional moment and also one of real pride as we look back over 25 years service to Queen and country," he said.
"No naval officer wants to see any ship decommissioned early and she is a fine vessel and she has a fine history.
"She is at the peak of her efficiency but one understands that very difficult decisions have to be made across government."
One senior officer described the decision to scrap both the jets and carrier as "madness".
Petty Officer Andrew Collins, 26, from Glasgow, said: "HMS Ark Royal is like the girlfriend you hate and you only realise you loved her when she has binned you."
And Petty Officer David Terracciano, 31, from Portsmouth, added he was "gutted".
The Ark Royal - the Royal Navy's flagship - will eventually head back to her Portsmouth base on 3 December.
It will be replaced by the Queen Elizabeth class of aircraft carrier at the end of the decade, which will carry F35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft.
A group of former Royal Navy admirals have suggested scrapping the Harrier force and HMS Ark Royal could leave the Falklands open to attack - a claim denied by ministers who insist the UK will still be able to defend the islands.

HMS Ark Royal and its aircraft, one of Britain’s greatest practical safety shields, has been destroyed by its own government. What further proof do we need that Great Britain is dying from the continued recycling by voters of nothing but the stale and morally bankrupt “Big Three” political parties? Must we continue to weep for our country.

BNP Councillor in Stoke-on-Trent Moves to Get Halal Meat Banned in Local Schools

British National Party Stoke-on-Trent councillor Michael Coleman has fired the opening round in the war against halal ritual slaughter in Britain with a motion due before his council on 9 December which, if passed, will ban that meat from being served in schools in the town.
“I have had numerous complaints from parents whose children are being fed this unfit meat and who are not being informed of how this meat is acquired,” Cllr Coleman told BNP News.
“Many of the schools which receive the meat are predominantly populated by British children, and so any claim that the authority is simply providing food for Muslim pupils is false.
“Anyway, it’s against the law to procure meat in this way and then sell on to non-Muslims, a point I will be making on the 9th December,” Cllr Coleman continued.
“I find it disgraceful that we have a law here that makes it a crime for you or I to slaughter an animal in this way but enables Muslims to kill in this inhumane way and it is legal.
“It is such legal paradox and duality that will ultimately expose this traitor regime - and will lead to the political awakening and uprising of the British people,” he said.
The exact wording of the motion due before the council is as follows:
“Notice of Motion – City Council 9th December 2010
Moved by Councillor M Coleman
Seconded by Councillor J Burgess
Animal Cruelty
This City Council condemns the cruelty suffered by animals slaughtered to provide halal meat products. Animal welfare organisations such as the Farm Animal Welfare Council, which is the independent advisory body to the government, have called for a ban on halal meat in Britain.  Animals that are not stunned before slaughter suffer incredible pain before death and the current law that permits this barbaric method of slaughter should be changed.
The City Council is asked to note that halal meat products are served in 17 city schools to unsuspecting children and parents. Halal meat products are not labelled and children (or their parents) have no idea what they are eating or provided with an alternative. This is a disgraceful practice and children and their parents should be given information and choice about the products their children are served. 
The City Council is asked to:
1. Write to the Secretary State for seeking a change in the law to minimise or prevent any further animal cruelty as a result of this barbaric method of slaughter.
2. Place an immediate ban on the use of all halal meat products in our schools, City Of Stoke-on-Trent Authority.”
According to information obtained by Cllr Coleman, the schools under the Stoke-on-Trent authority which provide halal meat to their pupils are as follows: Alexandra Junior School; Alexandra Infant School; Belgrave Primary School; Etruscan Primary School; Forest Park Primary School; John Baskeyfield Primary School; Mill Hill Primary School; St Marks Primary School; St Peters RC Primary School; Summerbank Primary School; Thomas Boughey Centre; Waterside Primary School; St Mary’s Tunstall; Birches Head High School; Brownhills High School; Haywood High School; and St Peters High School.
* Meanwhile, North West Tory Muslim MEP Sajjad Karim has run to the local media claiming that people are threatening him after he published an article on his website supporting halal slaughter and expressing his opposition to a proposed EU regulation which would force halal meat to be labelled as such.
Mr Karim, who has of course blamed the BNP for his latest woes, was quoted in the Jewish Chronicle earlier this month as saying he was ‘watching’ the BNP in Europe.
Approached by the media for comment over his latest allegations, BNP spokesman John Walker said that the “British National Party will continue to oppose halal slaughter and support the labelling of halal meat despite a hate campaign against the party launched by Mr Karim.
“Mr Karim, who put up a story on his own website outlining his support for Halal slaughter and his opposition to a new EU regulation which would force all food suppliers to label which meat had been ritually slaughtered,” said Mr Walker.
“On the basis of Mr Karim’s own website, the BNP carried a story pointing out his support for Halal slaughter. If Mr Karrim has angered animal lovers with his support for halal barbarism, it is on the basis of a story which he started on his own website and nowhere else.
“The BNP rejects with contempt all attempts by Mr Karrim to stir up trouble and slur our party,” Mr Walker said.

This isn't the Britain we fought for,' say the 'unknown warriors' of WWII

Sarah Robinson was just a teenager when World War II broke out.
She endured the Blitz, watching for fires during Luftwaffe air raids armed with a bucket of sand.
Often she would walk ten miles home from work in the blackout, with bombs falling around her.
As soon as she turned 18, she joined the Royal Navy to do her bit for the war effort.
Some WWII soldiers, and families of those lost in the war, have complained society today shows no sign of the effort they made to help
Hers was a small part in a huge, history-making enterprise, and her contribution epitomises her generation's sense of service and sacrifice.
Nearly 400,000 Britons died. Millions more were scarred by the experience, physically and mentally.
But was it worth it? Her answer - and the answer of many of her contemporaries, now in their 80s and 90s - is a resounding No.

They despise what has become of the Britain they once fought to save. It's not our country any more, they say, in sorrow and anger.
Sarah harks back to the days when 'people kept the laws and were polite and courteous. We didn't have much money, but we were contented and happy.
'People whistled and sang. There was still the United Kingdom, our country, which we had fought for, our freedom, democracy. But where is it now?!'
Royal Navy
Sarah Robinson, who joined the Royal Navy when she was 18, says the Britain she once knew no longer exists
The feelings of Sarah and others from this most selfless generation about the modern world have been recorded by a Tyneside writer, 33-year-old Nicholas Pringle.
Curious about his grandmother's generation and what they did in the war, he decided three years ago to send letters to local newspapers across the country asking for those who lived through the war to write to him with their experiences.
He rounded off his request with this question: 'Are you happy with how your country has turned out? What do you think your fallen comrades would have made of life in 21st-century Britain?'
What is extraordinary about the 150 replies he received, which he has now published as a book, is their vehement insistence that those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war would now be turning in their graves.
There is the occasional bright spot - one veteran describes Britain as 'still the best country in the world' - but the overall tone is one of profound disillusionment.
'I sing no song for the once-proud country that spawned me,' wrote a sailor who fought the Japanese in the Far East, 'and I wonder why I ever tried.'
'My patriotism has gone out of the window,' said another ex-serviceman.
In the Mail this week, Gordon Brown wrote about 'our debt of dignity to the war generation'.
But the truth that emerges from these letters is that the survivors of that war generation have nothing but contempt for his government.
They feel, in a word that leaps out time and time again, 'betrayed'.
New Labour, said one ex-commando who took part in the disastrous Dieppe raid in which 4,000 men were lost, was 'more of a shambles than some of the actions I was in during the war, and that's saying something!'
He added: 'Those comrades of mine who never made it back would be appalled if they could see the world as it is today.
'They would wonder what happened to the Brave New World they fought so damned hard for.'
Nor can David Cameron take any comfort from the elderly.
His 'hug a hoodie' advice was scorned by a generation of brave men and women now too scared, they say, to leave their homes at night.
Immigration tops the list of complaints.

'This Land of Hope and Glory is just a land of yobs and drunks'

'People come here, get everything they ask, for free, laughing at our expense,' was a typical observation.
'We old people struggle on pensions, not knowing how to make ends meet. If I had my time again, would we fight as before? Need you ask?'
Many writers are bewildered and overwhelmed by a multicultural Britain that, they say bitterly, they were never consulted about nor feel comfortable with.
'Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because incomers come first.'
Her words may be offensive to many - and rightly so - but Sarah Robinson defiantly states: 'We are affronted by the appearance of Muslim and Sikh costumes on our streets.'
This picture of a teenage hoodie making a disrespectful gesture at Tory leader David Cameron illustrates a wartime WAAF's comments that Britain has become 'a land of yobs and drunks'
But then political correctness is another thing they take strong issue with, along with politicians generally - 'liars, incompetents and self-aggrandising charlatans' (with the revealing exception of Enoch Powell).
The loss of British sovereignty to the European Union caused almost as much distress. 'Nearly all veterans want Britain to leave the EU,' wrote one.
Frank, a merchant navy sailor, thought of those who gave their lives 'for King and country', only for Britain to become 'an offshore island of a Europe where France and Germany hold sway. Ironic, isn't it?'

'Our culture is draining away and we are forbidden to say anything'

As a group, they feel furious at not being able to speak their minds.
They see the lack of debate and the damning of dissenters as racists or Little Englanders as deeply upsetting affronts to freedom of speech.
'Our British culture is draining away at an ever increasing pace,' wrote an ex-Durham Light Infantryman, 'and we are almost forbidden to make any comment.'
A widow from Solihull blamed the Thatcher years 'when we started to lose all our industry and profit became the only aim in life'.
Her husband, a veteran of Dunkirk and Burma, died a disappointed man, believing that his seven years in the Army were wasted.
'It is 18 years since I lost him and as I look around parts of Birmingham today you would never know you were in England,' she wrote.
'He would have hated it. He also disliked the immoral way things are going. I don't think people are really happy now, for all the modern, easy-living conveniences.
'I disagree with same-sex marriages, schoolgirl mothers, rubbish TV programmes, so-called celebrities and, most of all, unlimited immigration.
'I am very unhappy about the way this country is being transformed. I go nowhere after dark. I don't even answer my doorbell then.'
A Desert Rat who battled his way through El Alamein, Sicily, Italy and Greece was in despair.
'This is not the country I fought for. Political correctness, lack of discipline, compensation madness, uncontrolled immigration - the "do-gooders" have a lot to answer for.
'If you see youngsters doing something they shouldn't and you say anything, you just get a mouthful of foul language.'
Undoubtedly, some of the complaints are 'grumpy old man' gripes, as the veterans themselves recognise - from chewing gum on pavements and motorists using mobile phones to the march of computerisation ('why can't I just go to the station and buy a railway ticket?') and the dearth of pop music tunes you can hum.
But it is the fundamental change in society's values which they find hardest to come to terms with.
Bring back birching and hanging, the sanctions they grew up with, they say. Put more bobbies back on the beat.
'We were rigidly taught good manners and respect for older people,' said a wartime WAAF, 'but the nanny state has ruined all that. Television programmes are full of violence and obscene language.
This Land of Hope and Glory is in reality a land of yobs, drug addicts, drunkard youths and teenage mothers who think they are owed all for nothing.'
Aged 85, she has little wish to go on living.
For others, the strength of character that got them through the war is still helping them to survive the disappointments of peacetime.
A crofter's son from Scotland who served on the Arctic convoys taking supplies to Russia found the immediate post-war years hard.
Soldiers of the British Expeditionary Force leave the UK for France aboard a troopship to help the French Resistance during WWII
'In those days we had no welfare support from any source. It was as though we had served our country to the full and were then forgotten.
'However, we were very resilient and determined to make a go of it, and many of us, including myself, succeeded.
'How times have changed now, with the countless many clamouring to get welfare benefits for the asking.'
A medic who made it through Dunkirk and D-Day thought the fallen would be appalled by the lack of manners in modern life and the worship of celebrities, plus 'the patent dishonesty of politicians'.
Another common issue was their bemusement at the idea anyone could live in constant debt.
'We were brought up to believe that if you hadn't the money, you waited till you had!' one wrote.
However, this particular man was unusual among the 150 respondents in believing that there were many pluses to modern life.
He even had a good word to say about the European Union and felt it would appeal to the fallen 'if only for maintaining the peace in Europe over the past 60 years or so'.
He praised the breaking down of class barriers in Britain compared with the years when he was young and 'infinitely' increased prosperity.
'More clothes, cars, holidays abroad, home ownership. As a young teacher in the Fifties I had one suit (Army issue) and the luxury of a sports jacket and flannels at the weekend.
'Education has made vast progress. In my early days I taught classes of 50. Only five per cent of children went on to further education compared with over 40 per cent today.
'The emancipation of women has also been a huge plus, with the introduction of the Pill a large contributor. Before the war, women teachers were dismissed as soon as they married.'
A Land Girl who laboured on farms in Devon during the war agreed that 'we have so much to be grateful for.
'So much progress has been made to transform the standard of living since the war.'
But she could not help asking whether people were any happier.
She bemoaned the advent of the Pill and the collapse of sexual morality. 'In my day, drugs were unknown, families remained together, divorce was a rarity and children felt secure.

 'We're now controlled by Germany and France. What a sad irony!'

'Were our sacrifices made so hooligans may run wild? And aggressive behaviour be accepted as the norm by TV interviewers and society in general?'
A captain with a Military Cross for valour under fire thought Britain was still the best country in the world.
The 'occasional' sight of parents and nicely dressed children gave an otherwise gloomy veteran of the Italian campaign a sense that 'what we did all those years ago was not for nothing'.
A grandmother, the widow of a Royal Marine who took part in the D-Day landings, felt the National Health Service had descended into chaos but was grateful for a pensioner's free television licence, 'which brings art, travel and animals into my home', and being able to text her grandchildren.
Just being alive was a bonus. 'Although I hate what is happening to our country, I am so happy to be here, grumbling, but remembering better, happier days,' she wrote.
But one of the bitterest complaints of the veterans was that their trenchant views on many of the matters aired here were constantly ignored by those in authority.
Their letters of complaint to councillors and MPs went unanswered.
It was as if they didn't matter, except when wheeled out for the rituals of Remembrance Day.
Graves and poppies
One person complained it is not right those lost in the World Wars are only remembered publicly on Remembrance Day
'Why do so many of the British public confuse sentimentality with genuine concern for others?' asked one letter-writer.
But this was the generation honoured in Remembrance services last weekend, showered with gratitude and teary-eyed sentiments as their dwindling ranks marched unsteadily past the Cenotaph and other war memorials throughout the UK.
The overall impression any reader of the letters gets is that this generation feel unheard, unwanted and unimportant.
This remarkable collection of their thoughts should give us pause for reflection.
They may be deemed beyond their sell-by date (and many of their views may seem unacceptable, flouting every sort of 'ism' imaginable) but, by their deeds of 60-plus years ago, they have won the right to be listened to and their disillusionment noted with respect.
In one letter in this collection, an RAF mechanic quoted a poem about comrades who fell in battle: 'I mourned them then, But now surviving in a world, Indifferent to their hopes and dreams, I grieve more for the living.'


THE Daily Express today becomes the first national newspaper to call for Britain to leave the European Union. 

From this day forth our energies will be directed to furthering the cause of those who believe Britain is Better Off Out.
The famous and symbolic Crusader who adorns our masthead will become the figurehead of the struggle to repatriate British sovereignty from a political project that has comprehensively failed.

After far too many years as the victims of Brussels larceny, bullying, over-regulation and all-round interference, the time has come for the British people to win back their country and restore legitimacy and accountability to their political process.

Following the debacle of the Lisbon Treaty – disgracefully imposed upon the public without the referendum they were promised by the three main political parties – many had expected matters European to take a lower profile in British politics.

It is time for Britain to leave the European Union.
But the opposite has been true as those on board the European gravy train have mounted one power grab after another.
At a time of austerity throughout Europe they have expanded their bloated budgets, pushing Britain’s disproportionate contributions even higher.
And despite not being part of the failing eurozone, British taxpayers have learned that under Brussels rules agreed to by Labour after it had lost the election they are liable to help bail out economies wrecked by the single currency.
A payment of up to £10billion for Ireland is apparently just the start, with speculators now starting to target the embattled economy of Portugal.
Despite unemployment across Europe averaging more than 10 per cent, Brussels continues to propose new job-destroying regulations and conspire to turn the whole EU into a zone of high taxation.
It is also seeking to take an ever more dominant role in border control issues, leaving its member states powerless to control migrant flows not only from other EU countries but from Asia and Africa too.
The European Court of Human Rights has continued to trample on British justice, preventing the deportation of terror suspects and demanding that convicted prisoners are given the vote.
Withdrawal from the EU should be accompanied by a withdrawal from the jurisdiction of this alien, pan-European tribunal so that matters of British justice are decided once again in British courts.
Ever since the British people were bounced into ratifying membership of the Common Market in 1975, after the political class had taken us in with no direct mandate, that institution has been stealing our rights to self-determination, remodelling itself in turn as the European Economic Community, the European Community and lately as the European Union.
Upon a wafer-thin permission for economic cooperation has been built a blueprint for the United States of Europe.
Almost nothing the EU has proposed or enacted has benefited Britain – our trawler fleet has been devastated by the Common Fisheries Policy while our taxpayers have found themselves massively subsidising inefficient French and Polish farmers under the Common Agricultural Policy.
The European Exchange Rate Mechanism – the forerunner to the single currency – caused a deep recession in Britain that was only ended by the removal of Sterling from its deadening grip.
This newspaper has always been hostile to the dilution of national sovereignty that EU membership entailed, but it has also always acknowledged that economic arguments were key. So long as there was a case to be made that leaving the EU would risk jobs and investment in Britain there was a powerful brake on thoughts of leaving altogether.
But since the ERM disaster 20 years ago that economic case has utterly collapsed.
We were told that staying out of the eurozone would be a financial disaster yet it is now clear beyond doubt that the opposite was true.
Joining it would have been catastrophic, removing Britain’s ability to vary its interest and exchange rates to suit economic circumstances and plunging us into a depression. The past two decades of European integration have turned mainland Europe’s economies from some of the world’s industrial powerhouses into also-rans, stuck in the global slow lane.

Only Germany has prospered in the euro – thanks to the single currency locking its neighbours into exchange rates at which they are unable to compete.
And now the price of belonging to the EU, in terms of surrendered sovereignty, is to be further raised with countries like Ireland effectively having their public spending and borrowing decisions made by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt rather than by their electorates.
While the EU has spread economic sclerosis through its member states the two richest countries in Europe have remained outside: Norway and Switzerland have stayed as the lynch-pins of the European Free Trade Area – able to import from and export to the EU freely without being subjected to its federalist ambitions.
Were Britain to break free of Brussels there is no doubt that such a happy status would be open to us.
A s a heavy net importer from the EU we are simply too important a market for the EU nations to risk cutting their ties with us.
Taking Britain out of the EU should not be seen as a move to “Little Englandism”. On the contrary, ours is a great trading nation with markets all over the world.
The time has come to develop our neglected trading links with the new global powerhouses such as China and India.
The creation of the EU is explained by the perfectly understandable desire to avoid further conflict on a continent that had been the scene of two world wars.
But Britain is a land apart: A precious stone set in the silver sea, as Shakespeare so evocatively put it; a realm with a glorious island story stretching back a thousand years, with links to every continent and a language taken up throughout the world.
Our political class bought into the European experiment after losing confidence in our nation and accepting the inevitability of decline.
They viewed Europe as a life raft and clambered on board. The British people never took that view.
Now it is Europe that is in decline and Britain that is being held back. It is time to break free.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Asian gang raped girls as young as 12 after picking them up on the streets for sex

An Asian gang of ‘sexual predators’ cruised city streets for girls as young as 12 - usually white - who were then plied with drink and drugs and raped or abused.
Up to 100 ‘vulnerable’ girls may have been groomed or abused or supplied cocaine by married fathers Abid Saddique and Mohammed Liaqat, and their seven friends.
A court heard the pair used Liaqat’s BMW saloon to trawl for victims, pulling up alongside girls outside shops, schools or on housing estates.
Guilty: Married fathers Mohammed Liaqat (left) and Abid Saddique may have abused up to 100 girls
Guilty: Married fathers Mohammed Liaqat (left) and Abid Saddique may have abused up to 100 girls
Guilty: Married fathers Mohammed Liaqat (left) and Abid Saddique may have abused up to 100 girls
After ‘chatting up’ the girls and obtaining their mobile numbers, they offered rides in the car and embarked on a ‘campaign of calls and texts’ to groom the girls.
Many of the victims initially considered the men as boyfriends. But instead of being wined and dined, Saddique, 27, and Liaqat, 28, plied them with vodka and cocaine before taking them to ‘parties’ in hotels or flats with other gang members to rape or degrade them.
One of their 26 alleged victims was a 14-year-old straight-A student from a middle class home. The court heard she fell into the paedophiles clutches when the pair pulled up alongside her as she walked home from school with a friend they were already abusing.
Akshay Kumar
Ziafat Yasin
Jailed: Akshay Kumar and Ziafat Yasin are now behind bars as a result of their associatioin with Liaqat and Saddique

Mohammed Imran Rehman
Graham Blackham
Jailed: Mohammed Imran Rehman and Graham Blackham were members of the gang that held sex parties with underage girls
Today Saddique and Liaqat, both British born and of Pakistani origin who had arranged marriages in that country, were facing years behind bars after being found guilty of an horrific catalogue of sexual abuse over an 18-month period.
Reporting restrictions were lifted at the end of a third and final trial into the Derby gang’s activities. The seven other guilty members of the gang have already been jailed.
News of the case comes little more than a fortnight after an Asian sex gang operating 45 miles away from Derby in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, were jailed for abusing white girls as young as 12. A similar gang from Rochdale, Lancashire, who turned a white private schoolgirl into their sex slave were jailed in August.
After the verdicts at Leicester Crown Court, a senior officer in the latest case warned that child exploitation and abuse was a ‘hidden’ problem nationwide, but denied there was a racial element to the Derby case.
Naweed Liaqat
Farooq Ahmed
Jailed: Naweed Liaqat, left, and Farooq Amed pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice
Faisal Mehmood
Jailed: Faisal Mehmood
Detective Inspector Sean Dawson, of Derbyshire Police, said: ‘If this kind of abuse can take place in Derby, it can take place anywhere.
‘It is a crime where you do not start with a victim knocking on your door and we had no idea about the scale of the abuse when we started out, but as girls began to open up to us they would lead us to more victims.
‘We have one victim who was from a loving home with straight As but her grades tumbled after she fell in with this gang.
‘That in itself is a classic sign that something was not right. I would appeal to parents to monitor their children’s phones for suspicious text messages and think about if they come home smelling of alcohol or clutching gifts. These are all signs that children could be being groomed.’
He said that although all of the victims were white except for three mixed-race girls and two Asians, the men were ‘out for whatever sex they could get’ and did not care what race their victims were. The oldest victim was 18 but most were aged between 14 and 16.
Some of the girls knew each other through school or local neighbourhoods while others fell into the gang’s clutches through friends already in their thrall.
Many of the attacks were filmed on mobile phones, where the images were stored as ‘trophies’. In one incident, a 14-year-old girl was filmed having sex with three of the gang in a hotel room as cheers ring out.
Caught on camera: CCTV footage shows a car containing members of the men talking to two girls on the streets of Derby
Caught on camera: CCTV footage shows a car containing members of the men talking to two girls on the streets of Derby

Caught: The gang were convicted today of a catalogue of offences against vulnerable girls
Caught: The gang were convicted today of a catalogue of offences against vulnerable girls

Another girl, drunk on vodka, was forced to perform a sex act on Saddique in a bush after fleeing a ‘party’ in a bed and breakfast, while Liaqat had sex with another 14 year-old in her bedroom while the girl’s mother was downstairs.
Some of the alleged offences were carried out while Saddique was wearing a tag imposed as part of a sentence for assaulting a woman.
One 16-year-old driven to the countryside and allegedly raped on the back seat after being given vodka told police that ‘85 per cent’ of ‘Asian men...try to get little girls drunk and take advantage of them’.
The only non-Asian gang member to face a judge was convicted sex offender Graham Blackham, a former Avon salesman, who was jailed for breaching an order banning contact with under-18s. He is thought to have met Saddique when the pair lived in flats within the same complex.
The inquiry, called Operation Retriever, amounts to the biggest child sex investigation ever conducted by Derbyshire Police, involving more than 100 officers, 200 interviews and 1800 statements taken. A total of 75 charges were brought against 13 suspects - all from Derby. Four of the men were cleared.
While one of the victims was under the care of Derby City Council when they were accosted by the men, most of the rest came from broken homes. Too scared to report the abuse, they only realised the police were involved when the gang were arrested in April 2009.
The inquiry began four months earlier when Saddique and Liaqat, both fathers-of-one, were amongst three men arrested for shoplifting by the neighbouring Staffordshire force - and two young girls were discovered with alcohol in the car.
Former Labour MP Ann Cryer caused a storm of controversy in 2003 when she warned that the practice of arranged marriages abroad helped tempt a criminal minority of British Asian men into targeting young, white girls for sex . Yesterday she called on the police, public and in particular Asian communities to acknowledge the ‘clear problem’, regardless of social taboos surrounding it.
Miss Cryer, whose former seat in Keighley, West Yorkshire, had a large Asian minority, said: ‘This issue involves only a small part of the Asian community, but it is something the wider Asian community needs to take ownership of and address.’
She said believed British Asians felt tied down in marriages with spouses in which they had nothing in common because of a ‘clash of cultures’.
Saddique, from Normanton, Derby, who claimed to be a cleaner, was convicted of four rapes, two false imprisonment charges, aiding and abetting rape, three counts of sexual activity with a child, two sexual assaults, being involved with child pornography and attempting to pervert the course of justice. An additional rape charge was ordered to lie on the file when the jury could not reach a verdict.
Unemployed Liaqat, of Sinfin, Derby, was convicted of rape, aiding and abetting rape, being involved with child pornography, two sexual assaults, four counts of sexual activity with a child, and affray.
The other defendants, Akshay Kumar, 38, Faisal Mehmood, 24, Mohamed Imran Rehman, 26, Graham Blackham, 26 and Ziafat Yasin, 31, have already been jailed after being convicted of a string of sex or drug offences.
Liaqat’s brother, Naweed Liaqat, 33, Farooq Amed, 28, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice and were both jailed for 18 months.
DI Dawson said the girls had been groomed with ‘all the classical techniques’ such as the offer of car rides, drugs, alcohol and access to hotel rooms.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

North Shropshire Group Continues Leafleting Campaign

North Shropshire's November recruitment drive continues unabated, with two thirds of Market Drayton town already leafleted, which means literally 1000's of individuals will have seen the brand new leaflet which has been designed to boost enquiries and membership of the North Shropshire British National Party group.

Enquirers are treated to a first class service from local organiser Phil Reddall. He said, "With a number of ways to enquire, it's never been easier to find out about the British National Party locally. Enquiries are coming in via post and text message, and are dealt with within twenty-four hours. Hits to our Shropshire-wide blog are also up, so people are certainly taking an interest."

Doorstep debates have never been more interesting, with one local activist saying, "Folk are eager to agree with BNP policy regarding the war in Afghanistan. Everyone we meet fully supports our troops, but it's time to bring our boys home and put them to work in ways which truly benefit Britain. Sending our army to the Middle East whilst simultaneously importing terrorists from these countries beggars belief. It's madness."

North Shropshire British National Party's recruitment drive is proving fruitful, and we encourage anyone with a sense of pride and a responsibility towards this nation to make an enquiry today.

Enter your details into the space provided to the right of this webpage - if you are a North Shropshire resident, TEXT your FULL name and address to: 07969 348 991 for a free local enquiry pack.

Sharia lessons for pupils aged six: BBC uncovers 'weekend schools' that teach pupils how to hack off thieves' hands

  • Pupils asked to list the 'reprehensible' qualities of Jews
  • Around 5,000 children attend a network of 40 schools
  • Diagrams show children how to hack off hands and feet
Children in Britain are being taught brutal Sharia law punishments, including how
to hack off a criminal’s hand or foot.
So-called ‘weekend schools’ for Muslim pupils as young as six also teach that the penalty for gay sex is execution and that ‘Zionists’ are plotting to take over the world for the Jews.
One set textbook challenges youngsters to list the ‘reprehensible’ qualities of Jews.
Investigation: A BBC Panorama programme has found that around 40 weekend schools are teaching Sharia law to British children as young as six (file picture)
Investigation: A BBC Panorama programme has found that around 40 weekend schools are teaching Sharia law to British children as young as six (file picture)
Another for six-year-olds asks them to answer what happens to someone who dies who is not a believer in Islam. The answer being looked for is ‘hellfire’.
A BBC Panorama investigation, to be screened tonight, identified a network of more than 40 weekend schools teaching around 5,000 children, from age six to 18.
The schools – which offer the hardline Saudi National Curriculum – are run under the umbrella of ‘Saudi Students Clubs and Schools in the UK and Ireland’.
They are not state-funded, and do not use Government buildings. They are able to exploit a loophole which means weekend schools are not inspected by Ofsted.
Last night, experts at the Policy Exchange think-tank warned that similar extremists could seek to exploit the Government’s policy of giving greater freedoms from state control to free schools and academies.
Clear message: Education Secretary Michael Gove has said he would not tolerate anti-Semitism and homophobia in English schools
Clear message: Education Secretary Michael Gove has said he would not tolerate anti-Semitism and homophobia in English schools
They call for the establishment of a due diligence unit to check whether those applying to open the schools have an extremist background.
Current checks are largely limited to fraud, criminal convictions and funding.
Education Secretary Michael Gove, who is believed to be supportive of the idea, said he would not tolerate anti-Semitism and homophobia in English schools.
The Panorama investigation identified a book for 15-year-olds being used in the classes which teaches about Sharia law and its punishments.
It says: ‘For thieves their hands will be cut off for a first offence, and their foot for a subsequent offence.’
There are diagrams showing children where cuts must be made. One passage says: ‘The specified punishment of the thief is cutting off his right hand at the wrist. Then it is cauterised to prevent him from bleeding to death.’
For acts of ‘sodomy’, children are told that the penalty is death and it states a difference of opinion whether this should be done by stoning, or burning with fire, or throwing over a cliff.
Panorama alleges that a building used for one of the schools, in Ealing, West London, is owned by the Saudi government .
Mr Gove told the programme: ‘I have no desire or wish to intervene in the decisions that the Saudi government makes in its own education system.
‘But I’m clear that we cannot have anti-Semitic material of any kind being used in English schools. Ofsted are doing some work in this area.
‘They’ll be reporting to me shortly about how we can ensure that part-time provision is better registered and better inspected in the future.’
The text books for 15-year-olds revive the so-called ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, which teach that Zionists want to establish world domination for Jews.
The Saudi text books instruct pupils: ‘The Jews have tried to deny them (the Protocols) but there are many proofs of their veracity and their origin among the elders of Zion.’
The text books say the ‘main goal’ of the ‘Zionist movement’ is ‘for the Jews to have control over the world and its resources’ which, the book allege, Zionists seek to achieve partly by ‘inciting rancour and rivalry among the great powers so that they fight one another.’
Sharia law fact file

Mr Gove said anyone who cites the Protocols of Zion is ‘indulging in one of the oldest and foulest anti Semitic smears that, that we know of’.
In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador said the schools had nothing to do with the Saudi embassy.
It stated: ‘Any tutoring activities that may have taken place among any other group of Muslims in the United Kingdom are absolutely individual to that group and not affiliated to or endorsed by the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia.’
Referring to the lesson that tasks children to list the ‘reprehensible qualities of the Jews’, in a letter to the BBC, the Saudi ambassador said it was ‘dangerously deceptive and misleading to address such texts and discuss them out of their overall historical, cultural and linguistic contexts’.
Panorama separately claimed some Muslim private schools have expressed extreme sentiments on their school websites.
These include: ‘We need to defend our children from the forces of evil’, and ‘our children are exposed to a culture that is in opposition to almost everything Islam stands for’.
Policy Exchange says Britain’s faith and other schools are increasingly vulnerable to extremist influences.
It claims in a report that the Department for Education, Ofsted, education authorities and schools are ‘not equipped’ to meet such challenges.
Current checks for extremism are described as ‘piecemeal’.
The report adds: ‘The Government’s policy of opening up the education system to new academies and free schools programmes could be exploited unless urgent measures are taken to counter extremist influence.’

British Schools Muslim Rules, tonight 8.30pm, BBC One

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Racist rape

March of the Euro police: The shocking powers of prosecution the EU has over all of us

The full extent of the police and criminal prosecution powers that the European Union has over British citizens can be revealed today.
A Mail on Sunday investigation has uncovered an alarming array of new EU controls over justice and home affairs for which no one has voted, and most are unknown to the public.
These include:
  • Europol, the £60 million-a-year European criminal intelligence agency, whose officers have diplomatic immunity.
  • An 800-strong paramilitary police force called the European Gendarmerie Force. 
  • The European Arrest Warrant, which now allows British citizens to be seized in the UK and sent without appeal to foreign jails for months or years without bail while awaiting trial.
Europol now has more than 650 officials at its headquarters in The Hague, from where it directs investigations across Europe.
When its Euro police officers are operating in the UK they have diplomatic immunity and cannot be touched by the British judiciary.
Europol’s director is Rob Wainwright, 43, a Welsh-speaking former British civil servant who joined Europol last year. He and his officials will move into a new £8.5 million building next year.

The man in charge: Europol Director Rob Wainwright, a Welsh-speaking former British civil servant
The man in charge: Europol Director Rob Wainwright, a Welsh-speaking former British civil servant
Their official website even lists ‘Europol fictional appearances’, among them the film Ocean’s 12, in which Catherine Zeta-Jones plays a Europol agent.


  • Europol’s officers have diplomatic immunity in UK and cannot be touched by our judges
  •  An 800-strong paramilitary force has been trained and armed for ‘expeditionary’ missions
  • British citizens can be seized in UK and sent to foreign jails without appeal
The paramilitary police force has been trained in Italy and armed to be deployed as ‘an expeditionary police mission’ under military command if necessary.
The gendarmerie is not yet a full EU institution. However, its official purpose is ‘a consistent and co-ordinated deployment of EU police forces with a military status and full police powers. The EGF will be, first and foremost, at the disposal of the EU.’
Members are drawn from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, France and the Netherlands.
Their logo is ‘a background of blue sky, the cruciform sword symbolises the force, the laurel crown the victory, and the flaming grenade the common military roots of the police forces’.
The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) can also be used to extradite Britons  who have been tried and convicted in their absence by a foreign court.
Meanwhile, the European Commission plans to turn Eurojust – a judicial co-operation body set up in 2002 – into an EU prosecutor using powers given by the Lisbon Treaty.
Also new, the European Investigation Order (EIO) gives foreign police forces the power to compel British police to carry out investigations on their behalf. These may include interrogation of suspects, interception of  communications and bank records, and the handing over of DNA samples and fingerprints.
Black Ops: Catherine Zeta-Jones as a Europol agent in Ocean¿s 12
Black Ops: Catherine Zeta-Jones as a Europol agent in Ocean's 12
British police can be forced to investigate offences which are not crimes in the UK, or which they consider to be minor offences.
Before the Home Secretary agreed in July for Britain to opt in to the EIO, Commander Allan Gibson, head of the specialist crime directorate at the Metropolitan Police, wrote to the Government and expressed concern that the investigation order did not allow that the ‘proportionality’ of a crime be considered.
He was also worried about the workings of the EAW, which ‘has been complicated by requests for fugitives suspected of low-level offences’.
Other new laws giving the EU power over Britain include the EU’s Data Retention Directive, which forces telecommunications companies to keep details of every telephone call, email and text message and all web traffic for at least six months, and to make the data available to law enforcement authorities.
Last week, Cecilia Malmstrom, the EU’s Home Affairs Commissioner, demanded that the EU also be given powers to analyse intra-European bank transfers.
And then there is the sinister new committee to be set up under Article 71 of the Lisbon Treaty, called the Committee on Operational Co-operation on Internal Security, known as COSI. Critics say this could be the beginning of an EU Home Office.
The treaty says COSI will be established to ‘ensure operational co-operation on internal security’.
According to a memo from the last Government, signed by disgraced former Labour MP and junior Minister Phil Woolas, the committee would decide how police, border, immigration and criminal justice authorities would deal with cross-border matters.
COSI will, for the first time, bring together three of the EU’s policing and criminal law organisations – Europol, Eurojust and Frontex, the EU’s border security force. Frontex is currently deployed on the border between Greece and Turkey with 19 patrol cars, nine vans equipped with thermal-imaging systems, and a helicopter.
Europol officials will move into a new £8.5¿million building next year
Europol officials will move into a new £8.5million building next year
In July, the three organisations issued their first joint analysis – a report on the state of internal security in the EU. The report insisted that ‘a common integrated architecture is required’ to deal with crime and terrorism in the EU. The word ‘architecture’ is used in Brussels to mean ‘another EU institution.’
So can Britain stop any of this? The answer is almost none of it. The Lisbon Treaty removed Britain’s veto in justice and home affairs. Once Britain has opted in to any part of EU legislation on policing and criminal law, there is no opting out.
Investigation and prosecution programmes are multiplying so rapidly in the EU that, according to Stephen Booth of the think-tank Open Europe, 17 law enforcement systems and databases currently operate or are being developed.
Six of these systems require the collection or storage of personal data at EU level.
The budget devoted to justice and home affairs is set to increase by 13 per cent in 2011 to £944 million, which, as it was in 2010, would be the highest percentage increase among all the different areas.
Conservative MEP Timothy Kirkhope said he was worried about the escalating cost of these agencies.
‘It is important that the costs of all EU agencies, and expenditure on justice and home affairs, reflects the economic challenges within Europe.’ He also warned against ‘a move towards a European harmonised criminal area’.
The shape of things to come: A prototype of a new Euro police car
The shape of things to come: A prototype of a new Euro police car
But Baroness Ludford, Lib Dem MEP and her party’s spokesman on European justice and human rights, dismissed concerns about a harmonised criminal area.
‘Terrorists and mafia bosses pay no attention to national borders, so Europe’s cops and judges have to play in a team to stop the bad guys dodging the law by skipping across borders, which is the purpose of the European Arrest Warrant,’ she said.
However, Mr Booth said: ‘The EAW was a knee-jerk response to 9/11 that has turned out to be completely disproportionate. The premise underlying it is that all member states’ judicial systems are equivalent, when clearly they are not.’
These programmes are part of the drive to form what the Lisbon Treaty calls ‘an area of freedom, security and justice’. This means an EU-wide area of policing, prosecution and law enforcement without frontiers.
Laws governing freedom, security and justice are established in the treaty as a ‘shared competence’. This means EU law can now suppress existing legislation in justice and home affairs in a member state and replace it with European legislation.
Part of the drive to establish this ‘area’ is the insistence that each member state recognise the laws of other member states.
Labour MEP Claude Moraes insisted an EU Home Office was not being created: ‘It is all about political co-operation between member states,’ he said.
But Nigel Farage, MEP and leader of UKIP, disagreed: ‘Are we seeing the creation of an EU Home Office? Yes, absolutely. There is not a single aspect of our lives that these people do not wish to control.’
The Commission intends to forge a ‘common European culture of policing’ by ensuring that over the next five years one-third of all police officers and border guards are trained in European affairs.
And propaganda for a European policing without frontiers is relentless. This summer in The Hague, Europol supported an exhibition of designs for a European police car. Under the headline ‘One European police force?’ Dutch and German designers produced prototypes that, one day, could patrol British streets.