Our local newspaper, the Shropshire Star, has covered the story. And so has the BNP's main website. Read all about it here and here.
Shropshire BNP have followed this case from the very start and have campaigned hard to expose the truth about these monsters and their 'enablers' within the local 'establishment'. Shropshire is considered as a 'safe haven' from multiculturalism by many who have fled the cities yet still refuse to acknowledge the real reason they chose to settle in this 99% white county. Perhaps this latest little example of multi-culturalism may awaken a few more British folk.
Shropshire BNP held demos in Telford, Shrewsbury and Stafford as well as delivering thousands of leaflets to people's homes, our efforts not only enlightened local people about this hidden evil, but it also forced the hand of a very reluctant establishment.
Our efforts forced 'the powers that be' to take action. Activism works!
A huge thanks to everyone who helped with this campaign, especially our friends from Stoke BNP.