"Too often today, people are ready to tell us,
'this is not possible; that is not possible'.
I say, whatever the true interest of our country calls for, is always possible!"

- Enoch Powell.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Panorama - The Big Picture

Shropshire Patriot offers this response from Nick Griffin MEP regarding last night's Panorama documentary.

It must be remembered that the BBC is at the forefront of promoting the multi-cultural society that the British people have to endure but were never consulted on. Thus, the BBC is the enemy of the BNP and those taking part in anti-BNP BBC produced programmes should be considered to be working with the enemy.

As you can see from the many posts on this blog, the BNP are active locally and have been campaigning on issues such as our strong anti-EU message, the recent Muslim paedophile gang scandal, British jobs for British workers and much more.

Ask yourself if any of the other political parties ever do anything positive about the various huge problems affecting this country - problems such as heroin addiction, young people out of work, pensions, immigration, and our troops being killed by IED's in the Middle East while Al Qu'aeda continues to operate on British soil.

All these issues need addressing, and neither Labour, the Lib Dems nor the Conservatives ever do anything to fix the above problems. In fact, it is they who created these problems.

All the main political parties and most of the media actively promote the EU and nation-destroying multi-culturalism while simultaneously ignoring the associated problems which go hand in glove with being ruled by Brussels.

We in the British National Party have and will continue to be proven right, but we need you active help if we are to put Britain back on track.

If you are young, the BNP is your pension plan; should we fail you will end up with nothing other than a third world nation with third world services. Should we succeed, you will be able to live life in a country that once again promotes high standards, with a thoroughly modern infrastructure and an opportunity to rebuild our manufacturing, scientific and technological industries, all of which will be done with well being of our land and people foremost in our minds.


  1. should the British National Party fail we will be going down the road of Muslim domination of this our country, if people thing this a bit extreme then they should join us and see the truth for themselves .
