"Too often today, people are ready to tell us,
'this is not possible; that is not possible'.
I say, whatever the true interest of our country calls for, is always possible!"

- Enoch Powell.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Councillor's Report From The Front Line

A year ago this month, north Shropshire British National Party organiser Phil Reddall was unanimously co-opted as a parish councillor for Cheswardine. After twelve months serving his community, councillor Reddall told Shropshire Patriot,

"Parish council work offers an excellent opportunity to get involved in your local community and I have been pleasantly surprised just how genuinely interesting the work is, and what's more parish councillors do not get paid and almost always live in the parish. It's real, honest community politics and not the place for money motivated 'career politicians'.

"Many training courses are offered, and the proposed new Localism Bill and the current Power of Well-Being means that parish councils have an increasing amount of responsibility.

"Other BNP members must motivate themselves into action and step up to the task of becomming councillors. There are hundreds and hundreds of these positions which come up all the time and if we do not take these chances then we do not deserve to eventually run this country.

12 Month Report

Attendance: 100%
Wages: n/a
Expenses: £0.00
Training courses attended: Fundamentals for councillors; Freedom of Information; Power of Well-Being
Other information: Saved council money by printing local newsletter for free and aiding in its distribution.
Excerpt from council minutes dated 15.02.11 - Cllr Reddall commented that taxpayers were being asked to pay for funding overseas yet the schools’ funding was being cut

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